What could be more important than knowing God and His will and living in relationship with Him? Precept Hong Kong is dedicated to equipping people with the tools to study God’s Word inductively. We’re convinced that studying the Bible inductively is the most powerful and rewarding method to personal discovery and deeper retention of Scripture. Precept provides Bible study training and resources to help you discover, live, and share God’s truth with others!
At Precept, we use a straightforward investigative approach that takes each person directly to the Bible for hands-on studying. That’s how we find God’s precepts - or principles - for life. Inductive study is the tool our students use to learn those precepts to establish a God-glorifying, Bible-centered worldview, with clear applications to live the abundant, victorious life in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are three steps to Inductive Bible Study:
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We invite you to take the next step and choose a study that’s just right for you, both in need and application. Precept provides a spectrum of studies, broadcast and internet media, classes and training workshops to help you dig deep into God’s Word - to know Him and live a transformed life in relationship with Him.