Precept Books

PRECEPT - Know God deeply. Live differently.

Each one of us is longing for something more than second-hand experience, to want to know God’s truth for ourselves. This is the underlying principle that guides all we say and do at Precept: God Himself is what we need and relationship with Him will change our lives. We equip people to study Scripture so that they can know God through His Word and have their conduct, habits, relationships be transformed by Him.

With this objective, Precept has developed the inductive study aids described in this catalogue to help you dig deeper into God’s Word. Whatever time available you can commit to study, there is one to suit your needs, from no homework to up to five hours a week.

The materials are written by a team of Bible scholars, headed up by Kay Arthur as editor-in-chief. She has touched thousands of lives through her writing and teaching ministry all over the world. A well-known conference speaker and author of more than 100 books and Bible studies, she has a unique ability to reach people in an exciting, effective way - challenging them to be changed by God’s Word and equipping them to be used in the furtherance of the kingdom of God.

Her authority comes from the Word of God, which she continues to study zealously; her compassion stems from a life that has experienced deep tragedy as well as great triumph; and her practicality from a desire to share openly what God has laid on her heart to teach and encourage us in our walk of faith.

Marriage & Song of Solomon
Marriage & Song of Solomon
Learning How to Become One (6 lessons)
Psalms Part 2
Psalms Part 2
The Blessed Shepherd, King and Savior - Psalms 23-41 (4 Lessons)
Psalms Part 1
Psalms Part 1
The Lord Hears When I Call - Psalms 1-22 (5 Lessons)
Life Under the Sun (4 lessons)

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